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Sport Education Academy logo

Coaches Development

Sport Education

The U.S. Ski & Snowboard Sport Education team oversees Coach Development through the lens of Education & Certification. 

We are proud to announce the development and launch of the Sport Education Academy: your new home-base for U.S. Ski & Snowboard online learning and educational event registration.

U.S. Ski & Snowboard members may log in to the Sport Education Academy (SEA) using their membership credentials. Please purchase your 2024-25 membership before accessing the Academy.

The Sport Education Academy functions on a tiered annual subscription basis, where the subscription tiers are Bronze ($0), Silver ($50), and Gold ($100). For the 2024-25 season, Silver & Gold are discounted to $40 and $80, respectively. 

Unlike our historical model, where courses were purchased individually at an average cost of $20 per credit hour, Sport Education Academy users that subscribe at the Gold tier may enjoy access to 100% of our online educational content. This includes, but is not limited to: continuing education courses & materials, Coach Certification courses, and free access to our seasonal Club Excellence webinar series. 

U.S. Ski & Snowboard Member Clubs may choose to take advantage of our bulk subscription purchase program. For this reason, we recommend that Coaches check in with their Club leadership prior to subscribing. Please be advised that a Gold subscription is required in order to hold an Active Coach Certification, and it is at the Gold tier that a user may access the Continuing Education tracking required for ongoing Certification maintenance. Beginning in the 2025-26 season, an Active Coach Certification will be required in order to register for U.S. Ski & Snowboard sanctioned Competitions as a Coach.

To learn more about our programs, please visit the following resource compilation links:

  1. General Information: Sport Education FAQ, navigating the SEA
  2. Coach Certification Information: Rules, Requirements, Deadlines, Definitions, Pathways 
  3. Sport Education Information for Clubs: SEA Club Bulk Discounts, Planning Coach Education, more to come!

Noticed that your Coach Certification is showing "Inactive" on your member dashboard? Check out our 2024-25 Coach Certification Activation Instructions.